
英语学习 2022-07-03 11:27 137


Module 7

150. The news was greeted with alarm by senators. 参议员们听到这个消息后很(惊恐,中国学生去往新加坡留学有哪些签证办理的材料?惊慌)

151. The prison governor has refused to let him go, saying he must first be given authority from his own superiors. 监狱长已拒绝释放他,说他必须首先得到上级的许可。(n.批准,授权)

152. Most of it will be financed by government bonds. 其主要资金来源于政府债券

153. I like his brand of humor. 我喜欢他那种独特的幽默。(n. 类型)

154. The document was previously circulated in New York at the United Nations.这份文件先前在纽约的联合国总部传阅过。

155. Rumours were already beginning to circulate that the project might have to be abandoned...已传出谣言说,该项目可能会被迫取消。(谣言等)流传;散布

156. The leadership discussed a plan of economic measures to counter the effects of such a blockade. 领导层讨论了一项经济措施计划来抵消如此封锁的影响。(vt. 抵制,抵消

157. Such a move would have been a startling departure from tradition. 这一举措原本会是对传统习俗惊人的背离。(n. 背离,违反)

158. She kept looking at the dial on the boiler. The needle had reached 250 degrees.她一直看着锅炉上的刻度盘,指针已经到达250度。

159. A pipe organ gives much more volume than a violin or flute. 管风琴发出的音量比小提琴或笛子都大。

160. Make an outline of the scene before you paint. 在上颜料之前先给此景画一个素描。(略图)

161. The satellite will be used mainly to relay television programmes. 这颗人造卫星主要用途是转播电视节目。(vt. 接转,转发)

162. I agree with you without reservation. 我毫无保留地同意你的意见?(n. 保留意见)

163. The government's proposals have come in for some sharp criticism. 政府的提议遭到了尖锐的批评。(adj. 严厉的;尖锐的)


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