
英语学习 2021-11-28 12:51 177


Hello,初一英语重难点(初一英语重难点)这里是地道英语,我是W!今天这个视频来自Desperate Housewives的第一季第12集。曾经作为一家之主的Carlos因为生意上的问题,被逮捕,虽然经过保释回到了自己家中。但是为了防止他畏罪潜逃,他的脚腕上带了电子监视器,这导致他的活动范围仅仅局限在家里。原来的家庭主妇Gabrielle现在挑起起养家糊口的重担,而Carlos却只能在家里等Gabrielle给他带吃的回来,矛盾就这样发生了。快来跟W一起看看里面地道的英语表达吧!

听美剧学英语53期:I am well aware things change 世事无常


CARLOS: Oh, thank God, I'm starving! 谢天谢地, 我饿死了。starve: 挨饿

GABRIELLE: Well, dig in. I am way too tired to eat. 自己拿吧, 我都累得吃不下东西了。dig in: 开始吃,全力以赴地做起来 too…to: 太…以至于

CARLOS: I'm sorry. Come here. So, did you get to go by the hospital? Visit Mama? 嗨. 对不起. 过来这儿。你去医院看望过妈妈吗? go by: 顺便拜访 visit: 看望,探望

GABRIELLE: I worked ten hours today. I'll go by tomorrow. She doesn't even know when I'm there. 我今天工作了 10 小时。明天去. 她都不知道我在那儿。

CARLOS: She's gonna wake up soon, I know it. And you know what would make her really happy. 她很快就会醒了, 我知道。你知道什么会让她真正开心。gonna(=going to): 将要 wake up: 醒来

GABRIELLE: If you say, a grandchild, so help me God! 哦, 天啊, 如果你想说孙子女,那么帮帮我, Carlos 。grandchild: 孙子/女

听美剧学英语53期:I am well aware things change 世事无常

CARLOS: Gabrielle, please! Gabrielle, 拜托。

GABRIELLE: No, you promised, no babies! 不, 你答应过的,不要孩子。promise: 承诺

CARLOS: Things change! 事情会改变的。

GABRIELLE: Yeah, I know. The Feds towed away my Maserati. My husband is, is a felon, and I spend my days getting groped by fat trackor salesmen at trade shows. I am well aware things change! 我知道. 联邦调查局拖走我的玛莎拉蒂,我丈夫是,是个重罪犯,而我天天在贸易展上被肥胖的拖拉机销售员吃豆腐,我很清楚事情的改变。Fed:〈美俚〉联邦调查局人员 tow: 拖,曳 tow away: 拖走 felon: 重罪人 spend: 度过 grope: 触摸 trackor: 拖拉机 salesman: 售货员 show: 展览 aware: 意识到

听美剧学英语53期:I am well aware things change 世事无常

CARLOS: A baby is solid, a constant. 孩子是有形的,是个永恒的东西。solid: 固体的,有形的 constant: 常量

GABRIELLE: And who is going to be changing the diapers when you're pumping iron in a Federal prison, huh? I like my lifestyle, and I don't want you to kill it. 那么当你在联邦大牢里举铁的时候谁来换尿片啊? 哼? 我喜欢我的生活方式, 我不想你抹杀它。diaper: 尿布 pump iron: 用哑铃锻炼 prison: 监狱

CARLOS: Well, look around, Gabrielle, it's already dead. And there's nothing you can control. 看看周围这一切, Gabrielle。那种生活方式已经没了。没有什么是你能控制的了。look around: 四下观望

GABRIELLE: Maybe. But having a baby, that, I can control. You, I can control. 也许吧, 但是生个孩子, 我可以控制。你,我可以控制。

CARLOS: Hey, you can't talk to me like that. I'm still the man of this house. 嗨, 你不能用那种口气和我说话,我依然是一家之主。talk to sb.: 与…交谈

GABRIELLE: Oh, really? The man of the house? 真的? 一家之主?

听美剧学英语53期:I am well aware things change 世事无常

CARLOS: Don't walk away from me! Hey, hey! My food? Gabrielle, come back here right now! 别走开,嗨, 嗨, 我的食物。Gabrielle! 马上给我回来! walk away from: 从…走开 come back: 回来 right now: 立即,马上

GABRIELLE: I wouldn't go too much farther, you're going to end up back in prison. 我不会再走太远了. 你会重新回到监狱去的。end up: (以…)结束

CARLOS: Damn it! Gabrielle! Get inside now! 该死的!Gabrielle, 快点进来! damn: 该死的


CARLOS: Hey, I waited all day for that! 为了那个我等了整整一天! wait for: 等待

GABRIELLE: Mmm, it's perfect! Oh, mm, crispy and burnt on the outside but nice and steamy on the inside. Uh, uh, uh! Mmmm. Mmmm. you're the man of the house? You can't even leave it! 太棒了。外皮松脆焦黄, 里面的肉鲜嫩多汁。你是一家之主? 你甚至都无法离开这个家。crispy: 脆的 burnt: 烧焦的 steamy: 潮湿的 even: 甚至

听美剧学英语53期:I am well aware things change 世事无常


【1】so help me (God): 我敢断言,千真万确,相信我。在《图解美剧学英语3期:准妈妈们,辞职带娃会更轻松吗?(附音频)》中,Lynette对三个孩子说过:If anyone of you acts up, so help me, I will call Santa and tell him you want socks for Christmas.

【2】pump iron: 用哑铃锻炼

【3】you're going to end up back in prison:你会重新回到监狱去的。end up: (以…)结束。《听美剧学英语52期:I was just caught off guard 措不及防听美剧学英语51期:I think you're the best mommy in the world》中都出现过。

【4】crispy and burnt on the outside but nice and steamy on the inside. 外皮松脆焦黄, 里面的肉鲜嫩多汁。


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