
英语学习 2023-01-09 10:50 98


单词注释:n.→名词;v.→动词;vt.→及物动词; vi.→不及物动词


pron.→代词 aux.v.→情态动词;

num.→数词;int.→叹词 pl.→复数形式

81. The weather forecast said this Sunday was fit for a camp, so these friends organized a picnic in the forest and they carried some food and knife and fork.


①forecast[?f?:kɑ:st] n./vt.预测,预报

②fit[fit] v.适合;安装;适应 a.适合的的

be fit for 适合于; 胜任

③camp[k?mp] n.营地;拘留营 vi.野营

④organize[??:g?naiz] vt.组织,把…编组;使有条理

⑤picnic[?piknik] n.野餐 vi.去野餐

⑥forest[?f?rist] n.森林

⑦carry[?k?ri] vt.提;运送;传播;携带

⑧knife[naif] n.刀

⑨fork[f?:k] n.叉,餐叉 knife and fork (西餐)刀和叉

82. All the Chinese people will never forget the wonderful 2008 Beijing Olympics because the whole world focused attention on China and on Beijing.

全中国人民永远 也不会忘记 2008年令全世界瞩目的北京奥运会。

①forget[f??get] v.忘记,遗忘

②wonderful[?w?nd?ful] a.极好的;惊人的,奇妙的

③Olympics[?u'limpiks] n. 奥林匹克运动会=Olympic Games

④world[w?:ld] n.(全)世界,地球;世间(人)

⑤focus[?f?uk?s] v.(on)聚集,集中,聚焦 n.焦点

⑥attention[??ten??n] n.注意,专心,留心

83. The fans say that this film star has been married for 4 years, but actually she just married that rich gentleman 2 years ago in Germany.

影迷称这位电影明星已经结婚4年 了,但其实这位明星是2年前在德国与一位富商结婚的。

①fan[f?n] n.(风)扇,扇形物;迷

②marry[?m?ri] v.娶,嫁,和…结婚

③actually[??kt?u?li] ad.事实上;实际上

④gentleman[?d?entlm?n] n.,绅士;有教养的人;先生,男士

⑤ago[??g?u] ad.[用于被修饰词之后]以前

⑥Germany[?d??:m?ni] n.德国

84. During the childhood, we often depended on our parents when we were in trouble while we try to be independent of them after we grow up.

小时候凡是遇到 困难我们总是依靠父母,长大后,我们靠自己。

①childhood[?t?aildhud] n.童年,幼年

②depend[di?pend] vi.(on,upon)依靠;信赖;决定于

③trouble[?tr?b?l] n.麻烦,困难[ pl.]纠纷 vt.麻烦

④independent[?indi?pend?nt] a.独立的,自主的;中立的

85. It is impossible for you to guess right who will take part in our party as guests of honor but I am sure that you will feel amazing when you know the answer.

你肯定猜不 出谁会作为荣誉嘉宾出席我们的派对,我肯定你知道了一定会惊讶。

①impossible[im?p?s?b?l] a.不可能的

②guess[ges] v./n.猜(测),推测

③part[pɑ:t] n.部分;零件;作用 v.(使)分开

take part in 参加

④party[?pɑ:ti] n.社交聚会;党,政党

⑤guest[gest] n.客人,旅客

⑥honor[??n?] n.光荣;敬意;荣幸 vt.给…以荣誉;尊敬

⑦sure[?u?,??:] a.确信的;一定的;可靠的

⑧amazing[??meizi?] a.惊人的;惊奇的

⑨answer[?ɑ:ns?] n.回答;答案 v.回答;解答;响应

86. When we find the TV program is very dull, we will change the channel until we are attracted by some programs.

当我们发现电视节目很枯燥的时候,我们会一直换频道, 直到找到感兴趣的节目为止。

①program[?pr?ugr?m] n.计(规)划;节目(单);程序

②dull[d?l] a.乏味的;阴沉的;低沉的

③change[t?eind?] v.改变;交换;兑换 n.变化;更换;零钱

④channel[?t??n?l] n.频道;[常 pl.]渠道;沟渠;海峡

87. Except the local farmers, no one dare to cross that narrow field at night because he can’t even see his fingers when he goes across it.

除了当地农民,没人敢在深夜穿越 那伸手不见五指的狭长地带。

①local[?l?uk?l] a.地方性的,当地的

②farmer[?fɑ:m?] n.农场主,农民

③dare[d??] vt.敢;激 aux.v.[用于疑问等句]敢,竟敢

④cross[kr?s] v.穿过;交叉 n.十字(架等)

⑤narrow[?n?r?u] a.狭窄(隘)的

⑥field[fi:ld] n.田地;领域;运动场;产地;场

⑦finger[?fi?g?] n.手指

⑧across[??kr?s] prep.穿(越,横)过;在对面 ad.在对面

88. The pilot had enough experience to deal with danger when the plane was out of control and finally he succeeded in landing on the ground safely.

那位经验丰富的飞行 员在飞机失控时处理了危险,最后安全降落。

①pilot[?pail?t] n.飞行员 vt.驾驶;引航

②experience[ik?spi?ri?ns] n./ vt.经历,阅历;经验,感受,体验

③deal[di:l] n.协定, 交易, 大量 v.应付, 分配, 处理

deal with 与...交涉, 交易; 处理; 应付; 关于

④plane[plein] n.飞机

⑤control[k?n?tr?ul] n.控制 vt.控制

out of control 不受控制,失去控制

⑥succeed[s?k?si:d] v.成功

succeed in doing sth 做某事成功

⑦land[l?nd] n.陆地;土地;国家 v.(使)靠岸、登陆、降落

⑧safely[?seifli] ad.安全地;平安地

89. Every summer holidays, a lot of male students and some female ones pretend not to notice the rule on the board that the teenagers under the age of 18 mustn't enter the Internet bar and spend amounts of time in it.

每个暑假,许多男女学生会假装看不到 板上有关十八岁一下青少年禁止去网吧,也不能上网太久的规定。

①summer[?s?m?] n.夏天,夏季

②holiday[?h?l?di] n.假期,假日

③male[meil] a.男(性)的,雄的 n.男子

④female[?fi:meil] a.雌的,女(性)的 n.雌性动物;女子

⑤pretend[pri?tend] v.假装,装作

⑥notice[?n?utis] vt.注意到,察觉到 n.通知;注意,察觉

⑦rule[ru:l] n.规则;惯例;统治 v.统治

⑧board[b?:d] n.(黑)板;委员会; v.上(船,飞机等)

⑨teenager[?ti:neid??] n.(13~19岁的)青少年

⑩under[??nd?] prep./ ad.在…下面;少于;在…情况下

(11)enter[?ent?] vt.进入;参加

(12)bar[bɑ:] n.酒吧间;闩;栅栏

(13)amount[??maunt] n.数(量);总额

90. It is a precious memory that when he was still a Young Pioneer from the primary school, he went to the estate to sweep the floor, pick up the litter and water the plants every March the fifth.

这是一段珍贵的记忆,当他是个小学少先队员时,没到三月五 日他就去此地拖地板、捡垃圾、浇花。

①precious[?pre??s] a.珍贵的,贵重的

②memory[?mem?ri] n.记忆(力);回忆

③young[j??] a.年轻的,青年的 n.青年人

④pioneer[?pai??ni?] n.先驱者,创始人;开拓者

⑤primary[?praim?ri] a.最初(级)的;首要的,主要的,基本的

⑥estate[i?steit] n.(有大片建筑的)土地,住宅区;地产;庄园

⑦sweep[swi:p] v.扫,拂(去);掠过 n.打扫

⑧pick[pik] v.挑选,选择;采摘

⑨litter[?lit?] n.废弃物 v.乱扔东西

⑩water[?w?:t?] n.水 vt.浇(供,加)水

91. At the moment, the aged artist achieves the ambition of holding his personal oil painting exhibition and the price ofthe tickets is very low so that he can share his view of natural beauty with the public.

此时,这位老艺术家实现了他开个人油画展的愿望,因为 门票价格很低,所以他能和大众一起分享他的自然美的观点。

①moment[?m?um?nt] n.片刻,瞬间,时刻

②aged['e?d??d] a.年老的; 陈的; 旧的

③artist[?ɑ:tist] n.艺术家,美术家

④achieve[??t?i:v] vt.完成,实现,达到

⑤ambition[?m?bi??n] n.抱负,雄心,野心

⑥hold[h??ld] n.抓住, 握住 v.握着; 夹住; 抓住

⑦personal[?p?:s?n?l] a.个(私)人的;亲自的

⑧oil[?il] n.油;石油;油画

⑨painting['pe?nt??] n.画, 油漆, 绘画

⑩exhibition[eksi?bi?(?)n] n.展览(会)

(11)low[l?u] a./ ad.低(的);低下(的)

(12)share[?e?] v.分享,分担;分配 n.份额[ pl.]股份

(13)view[vju:] n.观点;观察;景色 vt.看待;观察

(14)natural[?n?t??r?l] a.自然(界)的,正常的;天赋的;天然的

(15)beauty[?bju:ti] n.美,美丽;美人,美的东西

(16)public[?p?blik] n.公众,民众 a.公众的;公共的;公开的

92. This winter holidays, they are eager to travel around the Europe, such as France, Italy, Germany, Britain and so on.

这个寒假,他们渴望去环游欧洲,例如法国、意大利、英 国等。

①winter[?wint?] n.冬,冬季

②eager[?i:g?] a.热切的,渴望的

③Europe[?ju?r?p] n.欧洲

④France[?fr?ns] n.法国

⑤Italy[?it?li] n.意大利

93. During rush hours, many clerks still choose undergrounds or buses rather than their own private cars as main traffic tools and some young ones even ride bicycles because it is too difficult to park cars in the city centre.

高峰期时,一些职员仍旧选择地铁 或者公交车,而不是自己的私家车作为交通工具,一些年轻人甚至骑自行车,因为市中心停车 太难了。

①rush[r??] v.冲;仓促从事;突袭 n.冲;匆忙;繁忙时刻

rush hour 高峰时间

②choose[t?u:z] vt.选择,挑选

③underground['?nd?graund] n. 地铁 adj. 地下的, 秘密的 adv. 在地下, 秘密地

④rather than prep.而非... conj.宁可 ... 也不愿, 与其 ... 倒不如, 而不是

⑤private[?praivit] a.私人的;秘密的

⑥main[mein] a.主要的,最重要的

⑦ride[raid] v./ n.骑(马),乘(车)

⑧bicycle[?baisik(?)l] n.自行车 vi.骑自行车

⑨park[pɑ:k] v.停放(车辆等) n.公园;停车场

94. Before the lecture in the college, the inventor raised a question who had the ability to take out a coin at the bottom of the bottle without touching it or breaking it into pieces.

在大学里做讲座前,这位发明者提出了一个问题,谁能从瓶底取出一个硬币而不碰到 它,也不能把瓶子打碎。

①lecture[?lekt??] n./v.演讲,讲课

②college[?k?lid?] n.大学,学院

③inventor[in?vent?] n.发明者

④raise[reiz] vt.提出; 引起; 升起; 饲养 n.上升, 增高, 高地

⑤question[?kwest?(?)n] n.问题;疑问;难题 vt.询问;怀疑

⑥ability[??biliti] n.能力,本领;才能,才智

⑦coin[k?in] n.硬币,钱币

⑧bottom[?b?t?m] n.底;末尾

⑨bottle[?b?tl] n.瓶

⑩touch[t?t?] v.触摸;感动;接触 n.接触;触觉

(11)break[breik] n.休息 vt.打破;弄坏 vi.破碎

(12)piece[pi:s] n.片,块,段,件;断片,碎块

95. At the weekends, especially when it is sunny and warm, many people can be seen swimming on the surface of the sea; in addition, many families relax themselves at the beach and take a sunbath.


①especially[i?spe??li] ad.特别,尤其,格外

②sunny[?s?ni] a.阳光充足的

③surface[?s?:fis] n.表面,面;外表

④sea[si:] n.海,海洋

⑤addition[??di??n] n.加,加法;增加的人(或物)

in addition 另外, 此外

⑥relax[ri?l?ks] v.放松,(使)松弛

⑦beach[bi:t?] n.海滩,沙滩

⑧bath[bɑ:θ] n.浴,洗澡;浴缸

96. The bund that has already been rebuilt is open to the public again and plenty of tourists stand at the sightseeing platform and enjoyed the opposite Oriental Pearl Tower.


①bund[b?nd] n.堤岸, 外滩

②already[?:l?redi] ad.早已,已经

③rebuild[?ri:?bild] vt.重建;改造

④open[??up?n] a.开的,开放的,公开的 v.开;开始;开放

⑤plenty[?plenti] n.丰富,充足,大量

plenty of 很多; 大量

⑥sightseeing['sait?si:i?] n.(U) 观光, 游览

⑦platform[?pl?tf?:m] n.(平)台,讲台;站台

⑧opposite[??p?zit] prep./ ad.在对面 a.对面的 n.对立面

⑨oriental[??:ri'entl] adj.东方的, 东方人的

⑩pearl[p?:l] n.珍珠;珠状物

(11)tower[?tau?] n.塔,高楼

97. After a horrible flood attacked this poor village, these homeless people went hungry and thirsty and needed medical help, and some of them even robbed the supermarkets of the daily goods. The army used the ferries to move them to the near kindergarten and the church.

一场可怕的洪水袭击了这个穷山庄后,这些无家可归的孩子们 又饥又渴,需要医疗帮助。一些人抢劫了超市的日用品。军队用渡船将他们运送到附近的幼儿 园和教堂。

①horrible[?h?r?b?l] a.令人恐惧的,可怕的;极讨厌的,糟透的

②flood[fl?d] v.淹没,涌入 n.洪水,水灾;大量,大批

③attack[??t?k] v.攻击,进攻,抨击 n.攻击;突然发作

④poor[pu?] a.穷的;可怜的;贫乏的;低劣的,差的

⑤village[?vilid?] n.村,乡村,村庄

⑥homeless[?h?umlis] a.无家的

⑦hungry[?h??gri] a.饥饿的,感到饿的;(for)渴望得到的

⑧thirsty[?θ?:sti] a.口渴的;(for)渴望的,渴求的

⑨medical[?medik?l] a.医学的,医疗的

⑩rob[r?b] vt.抢劫,盗窃;(of)(非法)剥夺

(11)supermarket[?su:p?mɑ:kit] n.超级市场

(12)daily[?deili] a.每日的,日常的 ad.每日,天天 n.日报

(13)goods[gudz] n.货物, 商品

(14)army[?ɑ:mi] n.军队,陆军,军;大群,大批

(15)ferry[?feri] n.渡船 vt.渡运

(16)kindergarten[?kind??gɑ:tn] n.幼儿园

(17)church[t??:t?] n.教堂;礼拜;教会(组织)

98. Although the president of every nation sticks to the fact that human beings love peace, hate wars and fear death every country still pay a large amount of money for armies and weapons.

尽管每个国家的总统都坚持人们热爱和平、憎恶战争,害怕死亡这一事 实,但是每个国家仍旧话很多钱在军队和武器上。

①president[?prezid?nt] n.总统,主席;(大学)校长,董事长

②every[?evri] a.每一(个);每…一次的,每隔…的

③nation[?nei??n] n.国家,民族

④stick[stik] n.手杖, 枝, 杆, 棍 vi.钉住, 坚持, 粘贴

⑤fact[f?kt] n.事实,真相

⑥human['hju:m?n] n.人, 人类 adj.人的, 人类的, 有人性的, 人本性的

⑦being[?bi:i?] n.生物,人;存在

human being 人类(可数)

⑧peace[pi:s] n.和平,和睦;平静,安宁,安静

⑨hate[heit] vt.憎恨,不喜欢,不愿 n.厌恶,憎恨

⑩war[w?:] n.战争;斗争,竞争

(11)fear[fi?] vt.畏惧,害怕,担心 n.害怕,恐惧;危险

(12)death[deθ] n.死,死亡

(13)large[lɑ:d?] a.大的;(数量)多的,众多的

(14)amount[??maunt] n.数(量);总额

(15)weapon[?wep?n] n.武器,兵器

99. The reason why he is used to England life so quickly is that he used to listen to the foreign broadcast on radio and his recorder was usually used to record what he pronounced when he read after the tape.

他问什么这么快习惯英国的生活是因为他曾经用 受经济听国外的广播,而且他经常跟着磁带读时用录音机录下他的发音。

①reason[?ri:z?n] n.原因;理性 v.分析,推论(理)

the reason why … “……的原因”

②be used to + 名词/V-ing 习惯于(做)……

used to + V原 过去常常(做)……(现在已不这么做了)

be used to + V原 (被动语态)被用来做……

③England[?i?gl?nd] n.英格兰;英国

④life[la?f] n.生活, 人生, 生命

⑤quickly[?kwikli] ad.快地;敏捷地

⑥foreign[?f?rin] a.外国的;外来的

⑦broadcast[?br?:dkɑ:st] n.广播,广播节目 vt.广播,播放

⑧radio[?reidi?u] n.无线电(台);收音机

⑨recorder[ri?k?:d?] n.录音(像)机;记录装置

⑩record[?rek?:d, ri?k?:d] vt.记录;录下 n.记录;唱片;履历

(11)pronounce[pr??nauns] vt.发音

(12)tape[teip] n.带子;录音(像)磁带

100. Although the developed countries promised to provide money and technology for the developing countries to protect environment, they themselves are still eager for the natural products such as fuel, oil to meet the needs of heat and electricity power.

尽管发达国家许诺提供给发展中国家钱和技术来保护环境,但他们自己仍旧渴望自然资 源,例如燃料、汽油来满足热力和电力的需要。

①developed [di?vel?pd] adj.发达的; 成熟的; 先进的

②promise[?pr?mis] v.允诺;有希望;有前途 n.承诺;希望

③provide[pr??vaid] vt.供给,提供

④technology[tek?n?l?d?i] n.工艺,技术

⑤developing[di?vel?pi?] adj.发展中的, 开发中的

⑥protect[pr??tekt] vt.保护,保卫

⑦environment[in?vai?r?nm?nt] n.环境,周围状况,自然环境

⑧eager[?i:g?] a.热切的,渴望的

be eager for 对……渴望

⑨product[?pr?d?kt] n.产品,产物

⑩fuel[fju?l] n.燃料,燃烧剂 vt.加燃料(油)

(11)meet the need (of ……) 满足……的需要

(12)heat[hi:t] n.(炎)热;热度;热烈 v.加热

(13)electricity[i?lek?trisiti] n.电

(14)power[?pau?] n.权力;(能)力;电力 v.使...有力量, 激励, 供以动力


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