How to Build a Strong and Flexible Build Guide for League of Legends' Jinx

英语学习 2023-04-17 01:41 80


Jinx, the Loose Cannon, is a highly versatile champion in the popular MOBA game, League of Legends. Despite her vulnerabilities, she can take down enemy champions with ease if played correctly. In this guide, we will discuss the best build for Jinx that will allow you to deal massive damage to your enemies while also staying alive in combat.

Core Items

The key to any successful Jinx build is to focus on attack damage and critical strike chance. Start with a Doran's Blade and a Health Potion to sustain yourself in lane, and then build Berserker's Greaves to increase your attack speed. Next, purchase an Infinity Edge to increase your critical strike chance and damage output. Afterward, build a Runaan's Hurricane to deal damage to multiple enemies at once. Finally, build a Bloodthirster to increase your attack damage and provide life steal.

Situational Items

While the aforementioned build works well in many situations, it is often necessary to purchase situational items to adapt to your enemies' builds. A Guardian Angel is useful when facing opponents with strong burst damage, such as assassins. A Maw of Malmortius is effective against teams with heavy AP damage. If your team is lacking crowd control, a Frozen Mallet can give you the ability to slow enemies with every basic attack.

Runes and Masteries

In addition to item builds, runes and masteries can greatly impact your gameplay. For Jinx, it is recommended to take Precision runes, which include Press the Attack, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Coup de Grace. These runes provide additional attack damage, critical strike chance, and attack speed. For masteries, take Fury, Feast, Vampirism, and Battering Blows in the Ferocity tree. In the Cunning tree, take Savagery, Secret Stash, Assassin, and Dangerous Game.

Playing Style

Jinx is a marksman who excels at providing both sustained and burst damage in combat. Her rockets deal area-of-effect damage and can be used to poke enemies from afar. It is important to position yourself well in team fights and stay behind your tanks. Use your Flame Chompers to trap enemies and follow up with your Zap! ability to slow them down. Finally, use your Super Mega Death Rocket! ultimate to finish off weakened opponents or to deal massive damage to a group of enemies.


Jinx is a fun champion to play in League of Legends, and with the right build and playstyle, she can be a formidable opponent. By focusing on attack damage, critical strike chance, and situational items, you can increase your damage output while remaining flexible in varying scenarios. Don't forget to optimize your runes and masteries to maximize Jinx's potential in combat. With practice and a bit of luck, you too can become a Loose Cannon!


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