
英语学习 2021-11-30 18:00 188



Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.


1.license [?laIsns ] n. (= licence) 证;证件

Please show me your license.请出示你的驾照。

2.safety [?seifti] n. 安全;安全性

①We should keep the children safe.


②Children's safety is the most important.


③Food safety has become a hot topic. 食品安全已经成为一个热门话题。

3.smoke [sm?uk] v. 冒烟;吸烟 n. 烟

①Smoking is not allowed in hospitals.


②Please stop smoking in public places.


②My father has given up smoking for three years. 我父亲已经戒烟三年了。

4.part-time [?pɑ:(r)t ?ta?m] adj.兼职的

During the holiday, they all found a part-time job.假期期间,我能学好英语(我能学好英语作文)他们都找到了一份兼职工作。

5.pierce [pi?s][pirs] v. 扎;刺破;穿透

Teenagers are not allowed to pierce ear holes at school.青少年在学校不允许穿耳洞。

Mother pierced the window with a needle. 母亲用针扎破了窗户。

6.earring [?i?ri?][??r??] n. 耳环;耳饰

Our English teacher has a pair of beautiful earrings. 我们的英语老师有一副漂亮的耳环。

7.flash [fl??] n. 闪光灯;闪光 v. 闪光,闪耀

There are five flashes on top of the house. 房子的顶部有五盏闪光灯。

The flashlight is flashing.手电筒在闪光呢。

8.tiny ['ta?n?] adj. 极小的,微小的

This microbe is so tiny that we can't see it with the naked eye. 这种微生物太小了,我们用肉眼是看不见的。

9.cry [kra?] v. & n. 哭;叫喊

The cry of the children caught people's attention. 孩子们的哭声引起了人们的注意。

10.field [fi:ld] n. 田野;场地

There are many crops growing in the field. 田里生长着许多庄稼。

11.hug [h?g] n. & v. 拥抱;搂抱

Back from Beijing, my brother hugged his mother with excitement. 从北京回来后,弟弟兴奋地拥抱了母亲。

12.lift [lift] v. 举起;抬高 n. 电梯;搭便车

①Xiao Ming raised his right hand and asked the question. 小明举起右手,问了一个问题。

②The little boy lifted a big stone.


③The lift in our community is broken.


【lift ,raise, rise的区别】

①lift 是及物动词,表示强调用体力把某物从地面提到一定的高度。

He lifted the big stone off the the floor and put it on the table.


That bag might be too heavy to lift.那包可能太重了搬不动。

②raise 也是及物动词,是”抬高”,“提高”的意思,强调动作的姿态,反义 词是lower。

例如:raise one’s hand 举手

raise a flag 升旗

raise a stone 搬石头

raise one’s voice 提高嗓门说话

raise the rate of production 提高生产效率

③rise 是不及物动词,表示“升起”,“站起来”的意思,表示由低而高的变化 过程。

△The sun rises in the East and sets in the West every day.


△When does he rise every day? 他每天几点起床?

Prices are rising. 物价在上涨。

13.badly [?b?dli] adv. 严重地;差;非常

His pronounced badly. 他的发音不好。

14.talk back 回嘴;顶嘴

Students are not allowed to talk back to the teacher. 学生不允许和老师顶嘴。

15.awful [??:fl] adj. 很坏的;讨厌的

I saw a awful mouse in the corner.


16.teen [ti:n] n.(13至19岁之间的)青少年

17.regret [ri?gret] v. 感到遗憾;懊悔

Nini regretted doing something that made her mother angry. 妮妮后悔做了一件让她妈妈生气的事。

18.poem [?p?uim] n. 诗;韵文

The children's poems are beautiful. 这些儿童诗很美。

19.community [k??mju:n?ti] n. 社区;社团

We have 3000 people in our community.


20.keep away from 避免接近;远离

If you wear masks, wash your hands frequently and don`t go to a crowded place, the new coronavirus will be far away from us. 如果你戴上口罩,勤洗手,不去拥挤的地方,新型冠状病毒就会远离我们。

21.chance [t?a:ns] [t??ns] n. 机会;可能性

Do I have a chance to enter the interview?我有机会参加面试吗?

22.make one’s own decision 自己做决定

In this matter, I will make my own decision. 在这件事上,我会自己做决定。

23.educate [?ed?ukeit] v. 教育;教导

Teachers often educate us to be useful to the society when we grow up.老师经常教育我们长大后要对社会有用。

24.manage [?m?nid?] v. 完成(困难的事);应付(困难局面)

We'll manage as best we can.


25.society [s??sai?ti] n. 社会

We are all members of society.


26.get in the way of 挡……的路;妨碍

He wouldn't allow emotions to get in the way of him doing his job.他不会让感情妨碍他的工作。

A big stone got in the way of us. 一块大石头挡住了我们的路。

27.support [s??p?:(r)t] v. & n. 支持


①Is the shelf strong enough to support these heavy books?这个书架支撑得住这些重书吗?


It’s difficult for him to support himself on such a small salary.靠这么微薄的一份薪水,他很难养活自己。

My English teacher encouraged me, and he supported me with money.我的英语老师鼓励我,并给我钱支持我。


①My father supported me to study in England.我父亲支持我去英国学习。

② Thank you for your support and encouragement. 谢谢你对我的支持和鼓励。

(4)in support of 表示“支持,证明 (作状语)”。例如:

His words and deeds is in support of the plan. 他的言行是支持这个计划的。

28.enter [ent?(r)] v. 进来;进去

(1)enter作动词(=go into/come into),意为“进入”。例如:

LiMing entered the classroom quickly.

= LiMing went into the classroom quickly.



TheUnited Statesdid not enter the war until April 19, 1917.美国直到一九一七年四月十九日才参战。

They entered their child at a public schoo.他们让他们的孩子在一所公立学校就读。

He showed me how to enter data into the computer.他教我如何把数据输入计算机。

29.choice [t???s] n.选择; 挑选

30.Picasso [pi'k?s?u] 毕加索(西班牙画家)


1.get his driver’s license 取得驾驶执照

2.no way没门,不行

3.sixteen-year-olds 十六岁的人

Sixteen-year-olds should go to school.


sixteen-year-old 十六岁的

I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.


4. be worried about=worry about 担心

My mother is always worried about the health of my brother and me. 我妈妈总是担心我和弟弟的健康。

5. have part-time jobs 做兼职工作

My brother and I did a part-time job on vacation. 我哥哥和我在假期做兼职工作。

6. get one’s ears pierced 打耳洞

Mary went/got to have her ear pierced yesterday.

7. get / have / make sth. done 使某物被做……

l got/had/made my bike fixed.


8. stop doing sth 停止做某事

My grandfather stopped reading the newspaper. 我爷爷不再看报纸了。

9. stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

The workers stopped to have a rest.


10. spend time with sb. 花时间和某人在一起

I spent two hours watching TV with my mother yesterday. 昨天我和妈妈看了两个小时的电视。

11.take photos, take a photo 照相

Mary likes taking photos. 玛丽喜欢拍照。

12.use a flash 使用闪光灯

Mom can't use a flash. 妈妈不会使用闪光灯。

13.all night 整夜

①My father had insomnia all night.


②They played computer games all night. 他们整晚都在玩电脑游戏。

14.stay by one's side 留在某人身边

Would you please stay by grandma`s side?你能留在奶奶身边吗?

15.make sure = be sure 确保,确定

You should make sure that there is no one in the house. 你应该确保房子里没有人。

16.keep sb. (away) from sth使某人远离某物

Children should be kept away from dangerous places. 孩子们应该远离危险的地方。

We should stay away from the bad people in our lives.我们应该远离生活中的坏人。

Mother keeps her daughter away from bad people. 母亲让她的女儿远离坏人。

17. hurt oneself 伤害某人自己

Don't worry. He didn't hurt himself.


18. give sb. a hug = hug sb. 拥抱某人

The little sister entered the house and gave her mother a hug. 小妹妹走进屋子,拥抱了妈妈一下。

19.lift up 举起

My dad lifted up the heavy box.


20. cough badly 剧烈地咳嗽

My father coughs badly.


21. talk back 回嘴,顶嘴

It's impolite to talk back to your parents.


22. an adult 一个成人

Li Ming is 18 years old. He is already an adult.李明18岁了。他已经是成年人了。

23. think back to 回想起

This picture reminds me of my miserable childhood.这张照片使我想起了我悲惨的童年。

=This picture made me think back to my miserable childhood. 这张照片使我回想起我悲惨的童年。

The photographs made me think back to my schooldays.这些照片使我回想起我的学生时代。

I recalled my days in the country with my grandmother. 我回忆起在乡下和祖母在一起的日子。

24. regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事

I regret copying other people's homework. 我后悔抄了别人的作业。

25. make one’s own decision 做某人自己的决定

I have to make my own decisions.


26.too + adj.+ to do sth. 太…而不能做某事

The teacher was too angry to say a word. 老师气得一句话也说不出来了。

My little brother is too young to do such heavy work. 我的弟弟太小了,做不了这么重的工作。


We learned a lot from this documentary.


28.agree with sb 同意某人的观点

The teacher agreed with me.


29.disagree with sb. 不同意某人的观点

I don't agree with Jack.

=I disagree with Jack.


30.move out 搬出去

My grandfather and grandmother moved out and lived in the countryside,they don't like living in the city.我的祖父和祖母搬出去住在乡下,他们不喜欢住在城市。

31.instead of代替,而不是

They talk instead of doing homework.


32.should be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事

①Middle school students should be allowed to wear clothes what they like.中学生应该被允许穿他们喜欢的衣服。

②We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often.


③Should I be allowed to make my own decisions?我应该被允许自己做决定吗?

④They should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want.


33.look good on sb. 适合某人人

The two pairs of jeans both look good on me.这两条牛仔裤穿在我身上都适合。

34.have nothing against doing sth. 没有理由反对做某事

①We have nothing against running.


②No one has nothing against going to Beijing. 没有人没有理由反对去北京。

35.achieve one's dream实现某人的梦想

Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.只有这样我才能实现我的梦想。

36.stay up

①He is allowed to stay up until 11:00 pm.


②Staying up late is not good for teenagers' health. 熬夜不利于青少年的健康。

③My mother won't allow me to stay up late我妈妈不允许我熬夜

④Xiao Ming always stays up late and plays computer games. 小明总是熬夜玩电脑游戏。


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