郊外 英语(郊外英语翻译)

英语学习 2021-11-30 18:04 214


有一首民歌:Country road,少儿学英文培训(培训英语少儿英语)take me home。这里的"country",指的是什么?

"country, nation, state "这三个词都可以翻译成国家,但是各有所指。


1.An area of land that has or used to have its own government, presidents, etc. and laws: (有政府和法律的区域): 国家。

She didn't know what life in the foreign country would be like. 她不知道外国的生活会是什么样。

2.land that is outside towns and cities, including farming land. 郊外、乡村。

She was cycling along a country road near London. 她正沿着她伦敦附近的一条乡间小路骑车。

3.all the people who live in the particular country: (居住在某一特定国家的所有的人)全国人民。

The whole country took to the streets to celebrate its National Day. 全国人民走上街头庆祝国庆日。


1.a country with one government: (有一个统一政府)国家。

The president is delivering a speech to the nation through broadcast. 总统通过广播对全国讲话。

2. a large group of people of the same race, language and culture. ( 同样种族、语言、文化的一个群体): 民族。

The Chinese are a nation of great inventors and thinkers. 中国人是一个拥有众多伟大发明家和思想家的民族。

3.all the people in the country (一国之内所有的人)国民:

The entire nation, it seemed, was watching TV. 好像全国人民都在看电视。


1.A country considered as an organized political community controlled by one government. (由一个政府控制的有组织的政治群体): 国家。

They wish to limit the power of the state. 他们希望限制政府的权力。

2. An organized political community forming part of a country. (一个有组织的政治群体,是国家的一部分): 州、邦。Queensland is one of the states of Australia, 昆士兰是澳大利亚的一个州。

3. The physical or mental condition that someone or something is in(某人或者某物所处的身体和精神上的状态):状况、状态。

She was in an extremely confused state of mind. 她思绪纷乱。

简单总结一下: 这几个词在汉语中都可以翻译成国家。"country"作为国家,国土意义比较浓厚;"nation" 一般指的是民族,而"state"则是政治角度上所指的国家,“政权”。


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