The Importance of AP Runes in League of Legends

英语学习 2023-04-18 15:09 62


Are you tired of losing every mid lane matchup? Do you struggle to deal any significant damage to enemy champions? If so, it's time to consider switching up your runes. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using AP runes in League of Legends and how they can make a difference in your gameplay.

What are AP Runes?

AP (ability power) runes are a type of rune that provides additional spell damage to your champion. These runes increase your ability power stat, which in turn enhances the power of your spells. AP runes can be equipped in the same way as other runes and offer a variety of benefits to your gameplay.

The Benefits of AP Runes

One of the main benefits of AP runes is the increased damage to your spells. This means that you'll be able to deal more damage to enemy champions, farm minions more efficiently, and push your waves faster. Additionally, AP runes can increase the effectiveness of your spells, allowing you to heal more, shield more, or provide more crowd control to your team. This can be especially useful in team fights where every spell counts.

Another benefit of AP runes is the versatility they offer to your champion. Since AP runes enhance the power of your spells, it allows you to have more choices in your build path. For example, if you're playing as a mage, you can choose to build items that enhance your ability power, thus making your spells stronger. If you're playing a support, you can opt for items that will provide more crowd control, such as Zhonya's Hourglass, which allows you to become invulnerable for a brief period, giving your team time to regroup.

AP Runes in Action

Now that we understand the benefits of AP runes, let's take a look at how they can be used in-game. Let's say you're playing as a mage, such as Syndra. With AP runes equipped, your spells will deal more damage to enemy champions, allowing you to burst them down quickly. Additionally, since Syndra's ultimate ability scales with her ability power, having more AP runes can significantly increase the damage output of her ultimate.

Another example is if you're playing as a support, such as Lux. Lux's abilities all scale with her ability power, meaning that by equipping AP runes, you can increase the effectiveness of her spell rotation. Additionally, Lux's Q ability (Light Binding) provides crowd control, and by building items that provide more ability power, you can make this crowd control last longer, effectively keeping enemy champions stunned for a longer duration.


In conclusion, AP runes can make a significant difference in your gameplay. By increasing the power of your spells, you'll be able to deal more damage to enemy champions, farm minions more efficiently, and push your waves faster. Additionally, AP runes provide versatility to your champion by allowing you to choose a wider range of items that will enhance your gameplay. By understanding the benefits of AP runes, you can effectively incorporate them into your gameplay and become a force to be reckoned with on the Rift.


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