Woodman's Build in League of Legends: How to Dominate with a Support Champion

英语学习 2023-04-18 16:23 80



League of Legends is a game played all over the world, with millions of players competing in different modes. One of the popular modes is the support class, which is necessary for a team's success. The support class is designed to help other champions on the team instead of directly attacking the enemies. Among the various support champions in League of Legends, Woodman is a popular pick for many players because of his unique abilities. In this article, we will discuss Woodman's build and how to use him to dominate the game.

The Role of a Support Champion

Before we delve into Woodman's build, let us take a quick moment to understand the role of a support champion in League of Legends. In the game, a support champion is responsible for assisting the other champions in their team. Support champions are tasked with protecting their allies, providing vision, and even healing them.

Furthermore, the support champion's job is to supply their allies with useful items that can aid them in battle. With that said, let us proceed to the main topic of the article, Woodman's build.

Woodman's Build

The item build for Woodman, just like any other support champion in League, can vary depending on the situation of the game. However, here is one of the most effective item builds that you can use for your matches.

Starting Items

Woodman's recommended starting items include the Relic Shield and two health potions. These items enhance his survivability and allow him to provide a gold bonus for his allies by executing low-HP minions.

Core Items

The heart and soul of Woodman's build lie in his core items. These items give him the necessary tools to protect and heal his allies while still providing him with enough crowd control to disrupt the enemy team's plans.

The first core item is Ardent Censer. This item provides bonus attack speed and magic damage to allies who are healed or shielded. Its aura effect also boosts ally movement speed, making it easier to chase down fleeing enemies.

The second core item on Woodman is Mikael's Crucible. This item grants him the ability to cleanse allied champions of any crowd control and heal them as well. It also grants mana regeneration, making it easier for him to spam his skills.

Other Items

Other items that can be helpful for Woodman are Zhonya's Hourglass and Locket of the Iron Solari. Zhonya's Hourglass grants him a decent amount of ability power, while also providing him with a stasis effect to avoid damage. Meanwhile, Locket of the Iron Solari provides a shield for himself and allies in a certain area, mitigating incoming damage.


In conclusion, Woodman is an effective support champion in League of Legends. His abilities, when combined with the appropriate item build, can disrupt the enemy team's plan while providing enough support for his allies to secure victory. Remember to note that a support champion's role is to assist their allies, not to get the kills. If you're interested in playing the support role, give Woodman a try and see how effective he can be in the game.


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