Be the Ultimate Marksman: Ashe's Masterful Build Guide

英语学习 2023-04-22 16:04 87



Ashe, the frost archer, is a potent marksman with immense damage potential. With proper skill, Ashe can dominate the battlefield and strike down her foes with ease. However, to truly become a master of Ashe, you must carefully select her items and create a formidable build that maximizes her strengths and minimizes her weaknesses. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps of creating the ultimate Ashe build, which will allow you to dominate your enemies in any game mode or situation.

Core Items

Ashe's kit is designed primarily around her basic attacks, so it's crucial to build items that support her auto-attacks. For starters, pick up Berserker's Greaves for extra attack speed and boots to help you maneuver around the map. Next, grab Infinity Edge and Essence Reaver to boost your critical strike chance and damage output. These items will ensure that your basic attacks do massive damage, even without your Q active. For your next item, Blade of the Ruined King is a great choice for its attack speed, lifesteal, and extra on-hit damage.

Situational Items

Once you've secured your core items, it's time to adapt to the situation at hand. If you're facing a team with high burst damage, Guardian Angel can save your life and give you a second chance to turn the game around. If the enemy team has a lot of healing or regeneration, consider building Mortal Reminder to reduce their healing and increase your own damage output even further. If you're playing against a high-CC team, Mercurial Scimitar can help you escape stuns and slows and keep you moving and dealing damage.

Rune Recommendations

For Ashe, Precision and Inspiration are the two ideal rune paths to choose from. In Precision, take Press the Attack, Overheal, Legend: Alacrity, and Coup de Grace. These runes will amplify Ashe's damage output, increase her sustain, and provide her with extra attack speed. In Inspiration, take Magical Footwear and Biscuit Delivery to start the game off with free boots and extra mana and health potions, respectively. This will give Ashe more flexibility in the laning phase and allow her to sustain herself in the early game.

Gameplay Tips

When playing Ashe, it's important to stay at a safe distance from your enemies while still dealing damage from afar. Use your W to poke down enemies and wave clear, and abuse your passive Frost Shot to slow opponents and kite them around. If an enemy is getting too close for comfort, activate your Q and kite them around with your basic attacks until they're defeated. And remember, Ashe's ultimate, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, is a powerful tool for initiating team fights and picking off enemies who are out of position.


Ashe is a formidable marksman with a wide range of build options and playstyles. But with these core items, situational items, rune recommendations, and gameplay tips, you'll be well on your way to mastering Ashe and dominating your foes. Stay frosty, summoner, and happy hunting!


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